February 19, 2014

Daffodil Festival at Kasai Seaside Park

From mid-January to mid-February this year, Kasai Seaside Park held its annual daffodil festival.

With 50,000 bulbs and an estimated 200,000 flowers, it was meant to be one of the park's major events to celebrate its 25th year.

Unfortunately, an unusually merciless amount of snow meant that the flowers ended up in an extremely fragile state. While late January was unseasonably warm, there were two major snow days on consecutive weekends in early February. This photo was taken after a day of light snow.

The poor flowers had been flattened, and their necks snapped. And the cold seemed to do away with the amazing scent that a field of daffodils can have. 

What a shame. Look how the petals are gleaming!

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