August 25, 2010

Supersize Me: Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap

(In Kona, Hawaii.)

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap is wildly popular in Japan, but the standard size found in stores is the 8 oz. (236ml) bottle. Leave it to America to stock the 1 gallon (3,785ml) bottle!

Taking Liberties with the Welcoming Cat

(Kona, Hawaii.)

The one in the middle is definitely a departure from the stereotypical form of the welcoming cat.


Goya (bitter melon).

Hōzuki (Chinese lantern plant).

August 21, 2010


Hiding in plain sight, as wallflowers are wont to do.

August 3, 2010

We Can Sleep Anywhere, Part 2

(In Shiroganetakanawa.)

Part of me is surprised at the nerve of this man, sleeping while so clearly on the job, but another part of me sympathizes and hopes he could find a less conspicuous spot. Preferably with air conditioning.

I guess it isn't "we can sleep anywhere", but "we can sleep anytime, anywhere, in any position."